The rise of Bing Search
You need a Bing Business Page to help your SEO (search engine optimisation) ranking on Bing. The proper name for this page is a Bing Places for Business listing.
Bing is rising in importance as a search engine. You may be surprised to hear that both iPhone’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa both use Bing (owned by Microsoft) as their default search engine. Yahoo search is powered by Bing. Internet Explorer’s default search engine is Bing.
In September 2017, Search Engine Watch reported that Bing occupies a third of the market in the US, second behind Google. In the UK, Bing has a 26% share of the market. Worldwide, Bing has 5% of the desktop search engine market share, whereas Google has 87%!
In December 2017, Microsoft announced a series of artificial intelligence-driven features for its Bing search engine to make it more conversational and nuanced.
How is Bing different to Google?
- Bing has led the way with image search to date – particularly with filters for images and quality. The licensing information is also much more obvious.
- Bing is popular for its video search result display – a grid of thumbnails where you can watch videos without leaving the search page
- There is a rewards system on Bing for using the platform for search – find out more about Microsoft Rewards
- Social media integration in search results was also a leading difference for Bing, but Google is catching up now with showing social media reviews and tweets (not just Google+)
But it all comes down to your personal preference in the end…
A Bing Business Page is important for your SEO
Google still has the lion’s share of the market – but it’s definitely worth focusing some time on achieving a high ranking on Bing too. There are plenty of opportunities for your business that you don’t want to miss.
Please do get in touch with us if you would like help with setting up your optimised Bing page and getting it verified (it doesn’t take long). Find out more about Bing Places for Business.
Any other SEO related questions welcome too! Please get in touch – happy to help.
PS – Have you got your Google My Business page set up properly – that is really vital for your search engine rankings….ask us about that too!
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