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Business Networking Events in East Sussex for Men and Women (and a bit of West Sussex, Kent & Brighton!) – 2025

Date: 29 Nov 2013

This page is regularly updated.

Last updated July 2023.

There is no doubt that networking is a valuable marketing tool for most SME businesses.  

Attending business networking events in East Sussex can be a route to winning new business, but it also helps you to develop meaningful relationships with suppliers and referral sources.  Importantly, it also provides you with friendship and support.  It’s always good to be able to share ideas and issues and get feedback from other business owners.

Scroll down to see the list of business networking events in East Sussex. At the end of the list you’ll see some information about events in Brighton, West Sussex, Kent and Surrey. We couldn’t help but just supply a few more useful links!

  • The first few names in this network list relate to organisations with multiple event locations across East Sussex
  • The rest of the list is broken down by individual business networking groups by town in alphabetical order.

Key things to look out for:

  • Some networks in this list are pay-as-you-go, others require an annual subscription and some may have a lock-out (one business per category)
  • Some meet for breakfast, others for lunch and some in the evening – some groups have options for all three!
  • One or two networks are specific to an industry sector.
  • Many networks also have social media groups (on Facebook, Linkedin etc.) that you can interact with – even if you do not go to the face-to-face meetings.
  • You can usually go along as a guest a couple of times to decide if a network suits your business (and some are just pay as you go anyway).  You may be interested to read another really useful blog about How to be an effective networker, as well Tips and Ideas for Your 1 Minute Networking PresentationNetworking – Is it really worth it?.  We have also reviewed a good number of networking events too – see relevant article in our blog (filter by clicking on the ‘business networking‘ category).
  • There are also business networking groups that only exist on social media – but that’s a whole separate list! We talk about a number of these groups and how to use them in our social media training sessions.

This list may not be not exhaustive (since things change so quickly), but it is pretty large so should give you a good list of options!  If you know of more networks (or any that have now stopped running) please do comment below and/or email and we will add them.  Thank you!

You are welcome to share this post and link to it from your website or blog.  Given the work put into creating and maintaining this this list of business networking groups in East Sussex (and beyond), we would be grateful if you would not just copy and paste the content and use it elsewhere. Thank you, much appreciated!

We help a wide variety of businesses with both their marketing planning and the hands-on activities to get their marketing done – see our range of services.

Bexhill Chamber Business Networking Revolving Assaggi East Sussex









Photo from Bexhill Chamber

It is really important not to forget your marketing measurement.  Make sure you note where all your business leads come from so that you can judge if networking is working and which groups are the most productive for you (read this blog Networking – Is it really worth it?).

Don’t forget to volunteer to be a speaker at networking groups to raise your profile quickly. This really worked for us. Make sure you have a good angle for your presentation so that it is attractive to the event organiser.

Please don’t forget to like our Facebook page and connect with us on other social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) for more marketing and social media tips. You can always subscribe to the Pearce Marketing newsletter too. This will include links to key blogs so you don’t miss out.





4 Networking

There are many 4 Networking groups around the country – times of day vary, meet fortnightly.  Find out more here Contact 4Networking.  Some of the most local ones are Eastbourne, Hastings, Shoreham, Haywards Heath, Horsham, Tunbridge Wells.


Basepoint Networking Hub

Some Basepoint Business Centres host Networking Hub events – a local one is in Crawley.

Check out other Basepoint locations in the South here


Bizzybirds (Women only)

Monthly meetings around East Sussex usually 10 am – 12noon. Locations are Hastings, Eastbourne, Hailsham, Battle and Seaford. –



List of Sussex BNI chapters – weekly – typically breakfast, but some now meet at lunchtime

Note: some towns have more than one Chapter – eg Eastbourne has Eastbourne BNI and The Royal BNI.


BoB (Business over Breakfast)

These clubs exist all around the country – meet fortnightly. The only active club in East Sussex at this point (December 2017) is in Battle  The other clubs now include Brighton, Crawley, Eastbourne, Hastings and Lewes! (updated October 2021)– see


Chambers of Commerce

Each chamber will offer its own mix of networking events as part of your membership.

Battle Chamber of Commerce

Bexhill Chamber of Commerce and Tourism

Crowborough and District Chamber of Commerce

Eastbourne unLtd Chamber of Commerce

Hailsham Chamber of Commerce

Hastings Area Chamber of Commerce

Heathfield Chamber of Commerce

Lewes Chamber of Commerce

Newhaven Chamber of Commerce

Peacehaven and District Chamber of Commerce

Rye and District Chamber of Commerce

Seaford Chamber of Commerce

Sussex Chamber of Commerce

  • They do a range of events, including business networking breakfasts/ lunch, workshops and also non-member events for just £15 per non-member. Take a look at their website to find out about more events.
  • They also has specific Manufacturing and Construction forums – for more info 

Uckfield Chamber of Commerce


Fabulous Women & Marvellous Men 

Groups operate in a number of counties in the South.  In Sussex, to date (November 2013), there are groups in Brighton, Hailsham and Crawley – see as of June 2017, it seems these groups are not running. However, take a look and see if one has started again in Sussex. As of October 2021 there is still not a group in Sussex, however there are other groups if you can travel!


First Friday Network

 (some now on other Friday’s in the month!)

Free entry, no lock-outs, lunchtime event at a local pub/hotel (typically).

First Friday:

Second Friday:

Third Friday:

Weekly Breakfast:



There are three branches in the East Sussex region:

  • 1066 Country
  • Eastbourne, Lewes, Wealden
  • Brighton & Hove

Breakfast meetings in St Leonards and Eastbourne, ladies lunch club (rotates between Eastbourne, Battle and Halland), women’s supper club (Brighton), morning and evening seminars  and networking events (Polegate) and social evenings with restaurant meals (Hailsham).


Institute of Directors – Constantly updated with a variety of networking events in the south. Find out more at


Ladies Lunch Clubs

 These operate in several locations – find out more at

  • Eastbourne
  • Tunbridge Wells
  • Worthing
  • Hastings
  • Brighton & Hove


Lady Golfer Club

Golf and networking events for members and non-members on various golf courses – Eastbourne, Uckfield, Haywards Heath, Brighton, Worthing and more promised.  Find out more at


Ladies who Latte

This group runs in a number of locations and more may spring up at any time… There are groups in Eastbourne, Hailsham, Hove, Crowborough and other places in East Sussex.


Sussex Business Clubs

There are two clubs – Brighton & Hove and Eastbourne & District. Open to the bosses of businesses with a turnover of £2m + with 10 staff +.

October 2021 –  Currently no networking events are running, but it is always worth checking back or emailing to see what events are running.


Sustainable Business Network (Added to this blog in June 2014)

Part of the Sustainable Business Partnership – network linking like-minded environmentally comitted businesses to share ideas and build working relationships.  The location of the networking events vary – Eastbourne, Brighton, Chichester etc. As well as networking time, each breakfast meeting focuses on a different topic, such as energy efficiency, waste minimisation, renewable energy, green marketing or environmental management systems.

October 2021- currently no networking events are running, but it is always worth checking back or emailing to see what events are running.


The Athena Sussex Network (Women Only)

Monthly lunch meetings and additional networking/learning opportunities:


Haywards Heath



The list below does not include events by those groups already mentioned above, many of which are active in a number of these towns.



Business Cornerstones – fortnightly business breakfast for B2B businesses from across Sussex



Ashdown Hurrey Women in Business Lunch Club – quarterly meeting (often meet in Bexhill)

Bexhill Curry Club – – Organised by Katie S Cowley at Gaby Hardwicke Solicitors

Bexhill Lunch Club – organised by Gibbons Mannington & Phipps LLP. On the second Wednesday of every month. To book please email



Ladies who Latte



BED (Business Enhancement & Development Group) – B2B networking group, meeting every 2 weeks at Chalk Farm Hotel. Organised by Lawrence Culham 07793 032180, or Stephen Elliott 07715 313334,

Blue Monkey Network (For Artists) – In partnership with the Towner Gallery. Regular monthly networking events plus talks by members and visits to galleries. (Added to this blog Oct 2015)

Business Builder Forum for Entrepreneurs – Monthly ‘development’ event for business leaders who are keen to grow their operations. To find out more, please contact Pippa Prichard – (Added to this blog Oct 2018)

Eastbourne Curry Club – Organised by Katie S Cowley at Gaby Hardwicke Solicitors and Chris Stevens at FRP Advisory

Eastbourne Professionals Club – First Thursday of the month, 5 – 8 pm at Cru wine bar. Informal networking – contact Adele Fields and see more on the Facebook page(Added to this blog April 2018)

Girls on the Green – Ladies Networking/Golf meetings. Fortnightly Wednesday evening meetings at Willingdon Golf Club, all abilities welcome. Contact Sarah Josling (Updated April 2018)

Longman’s Lunch Club – B2B, professional services predominantly. Monthly meetings usually take place at the Thai Brasserie in the Enterprise Centre.  Please note this network is by invitation or guest only. Here’s their Facebook page for more information – why not contact the organiser?  (Added to this blog Sept 2015)

Network Vines – A fresh and approachable networking group for all sized local businesses in and around Eastbourne. Held on the last Wednesday of every month – contact Chloe for more information  and see more on the Facebook page. (Added to this blog Aug 2018) 

Professional Networking – Meetings on the first Monday of every month.

The Federation of Holistic Therapists – meet on the first Monday of the month of March, April, June, July, Sept & Nov. Gain your CPD points. Contact: Pam Hardy on 01323 644007 or email:  (Added to this blog in Dec 2013)


Forest Row

Forest Row Business Forum – monthly meetings at various member locations. Find out more at

“FORE” Business – combining business and golf every month at the Royal Ashdown Golf Club. Find out more on their website.


Hailsham and Lower Dicker

Ladies who Latte Hailsham – second Tuesday of every month, 10 am – 12 noon. £3 per meeting. Contact and go to to book. (Added to this blog in July 2016)


Hastings & St Leonards

Hastings Curry Club – organised by The Best of Hastings – contact Cale Sinfield (Search Hastings Curry Club on Eventbrite.)

Bubbles & Business  – 12 – 2 pm at Bannatyne Spa Hotel – organised by The Best of Hastings – contact Cale Sinfield (Search Bubbles & Business on Eventbrite.)

PhotoHastings (For Photographers) – Members only networking group for photographers January 2017)

Pizza, Pasta and People– The emphasis is on informality and a relaxed environment although we will facilitate a traditional 60 second round so that everyone gets a flavour of who else is attending – (Added to this blog December 2017)


Heathfield and Blackboys

Heathfield Small Business Network – lunch on first Monday of the month – contact Barbara Hibbart Tel : 01435 865135, email

The Grove Networking Breakfast – Blackboys, second Friday of the month, contact



Lewes Pulse – Breakfast meeting every two weeks for Local professionals in Lewes. Find out more: (Added to this blog Jan 2016)

Lewes Women in Business – A not-for-profit community group that helps professional women with independent businesses in the Lewes District make connections – monthly meetings and business workshop programme.

Lewes Lunch Club – For B2B, meeting at local eateries on the third Wednesday of every month. Very relaxed networking with no 1 minute round or yearly fee – you simply pay for your dinner. Contact Jane Doswell: (added to this blog April 2018)


Uckfield (and Buxted)

Uckfield Curry Club – run by Victoria Regan from Dawson Hart Solicitors – call 01825 762281 or email

Women in Networking (WIN) – Monthly Lunch at Buxted Park Hotel run by Chloe Eason – 07729 458893 or email and Jane Doswell – 07834 769324 0r email (Added to this blog in Nov 2014) Currently no networking events are running, but it is always worth checking back or emailing to see what events are running (October 2021)

Uckfield Business Brunch Club – An informal group for local women in business to connect, support and socialise with each other, based in Uckfield. To join in or if you’re interested in finding out more, please join the Facebook group.


Wealden District Council Business Breakfasts

Periodically there are business breakfasts and seminars – supported by the FSB



I have not tried to do a full list for West Sussex but here are a few I have come across (scroll down for some in Brighton in the next section… (don’t forget some networks from the list above will have groups in West Sussex – eg FSB, First Friday Network, Mumpreneurs, Business over Breakfast (BoB) etc. ):


Chambers and others:      (Added to this blog in Dec 2013)

Other District and Borough Council website links (where you may click through and find lists) are here.  A few I know of already are:

  •  Haywards Heath and District Business Association – Monthly networking drinks and other events.


Hurst Women in Business (Added to this blog in Dec 2013)

For women in business in and around HurstPierPoint




Other networking groups in Brighton, Tunbridge Wells, Kent and the UK… (please note that some of the networks already mentioned in the list above may have groups/events in West Sussex – e.g. FSB, First Friday Network, Mumpreneurs Sustainable Business Network etc. )



Gatwick Diamond Business Association –

Network My Club – (aka Network Albion Business Club) – – events at sporting venues in Brighton (AMEX), Reading, London, Southampton, Twickenham, Portsmouth

The Boundary Club –

Miniclick (For Photographers) –  Free talks, discussions, workshops and events for photographers in Brighton (Added to this blog Oct 2015)

The Platinum Business Club – 

Wired Sussex – (digital, media and technology sector)

Networking in Brighton – Monthly networking event for women

Brighton Curry Club


Another group in Sussex is the County Business Clubs –  however, it is not reserved for just those living in Sussex. Their aim is to stimulate Sussex business to whether you sell to Sussex or sell from Sussex.


Make It Your Business – female networking event

In Tunbridge Wells, Kent.


1230 The Womens Company (TWC)

In several locations – the nearest is in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, more in London…


Mums in Business Network (Added to this blog in Dec 2013)

In several locations including – Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks, Cranbrook and Ticehurst!event-list


ABC Networks

Various locations – predominantly in Kent – breakfast meetings.


Alternative Breakfast Club

Monthly meeting in Pembury, Kent


Business for Breakfast

Visit  to view contact details so that you can ask about where your nearest group is.


The Net  – Simple Networking, Tunbridge Wells  

Friendly, informal breakfast networking meetings for SMEs in and around Tunbridge Wells. Visit for more info (Added to this blog in March 2016).


Hurstpierpoint Professional Networking Meetup

The group is aimed at bringing people together from all types of business to network and support each other. Visit: for information. (Added to this blog in January 2019).


WBG (Wealden Business Group)

Visit for networking in Tenterden and surrounding areas (Added to this blog in November 2014).


And of course there are lots more in Kent and other counties! Local county council websites often link to all the Chambers and may mention other networks.



A great resource in Surrey is the Networking in Surrey website – a comprehensive listing of all upcoming events and you can even sign up to receive an email reminding you of events coming up.


And finally, don’t forget, if you know of more networks, please do comment below and/or email and we will add them.  Thank you!


Happy Networking!

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    1. Hi Emma – an excellent and comprehensive list – thank you!

    2. Just added a new one – the Wow Exchange networking event in Hastings – thanks Libby for sending that to me! (See under the Hastings section)

    3. Goodness me what a lot of work – thanks Emma!


    4. Fantastic service to the business community Emma! Thank you so much.
      There’s so many fabulous networking opportunities in East Sussex!


    5. Hi Emma

      Great job – thank you.
      Is there any chance of changing my email contact address on the Heathfield Small Business Network to the one above? Thanks.

      Also has anyone mentioned Women In Business Network? I know there is an active group in Tunbridge Wells. I will try to find out more about it.


      • HI Barbara – I have chnaged your email address as given in the blog comment information I had – I hope this is right now?

    6. Please note I have just added a small number of West Sussex events and another one in the final section for other areas (Tun Wells and Brighton)…. not trying to do definitive lists for those areas – but I came across them so thought I would add them! (The new ones have (Added in Dec 2013) next to them.

    7. Thanks for adding The Grove Business Breakfast on to your list Sarah, Emma & Andrew Doherty and Sarah & Andrew Wright

    8. The Federation of Holistic Therapists meet locally at Victoria Drive Bowling Club on the first Monday of the month of March, April, June, July, Sept & Nov. Come along to gain your CPD points and meet like minded people. Contact: Pam Hardy on 01323 644007 or email:

    9. Thanks Emma, a really helpful list. Saved me hours!

    10. I was searching over search engines about business networking events and found your blog site. Well I like your high quality posting abilities. You’re doing a great job. Keep it up.

    11. I am loving this post
      Working my way through the list

    12. Thank you for your effort! This page is very helpful .

    13. Thank you! Just…thank you! You’ve saved me hours of searching and I have loads of places to go and meet people. Brilliant post. 🙂

      • Hello Elizabeth, Thank you for your great comment! We are so glad that you found it useful and we wish you lots of happy networking!

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