Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018 for some people.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ . All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments section is working! Thank you very much Doug.
Simply type https://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
Original article from March 2017:
Have you noticed that your Facebook business news feed seems to have disappeared? Don’t worry, we’ve found it!
It used to be possible to look at a news feed of just the pages that you had liked as your business page. We have had clients ask us where that Facebook business news feed has gone. They can now only see their personal news feed. Has it moved or completely disappeared?
It’s moved… and it’s a bit hidden. Here’s how to find your Facebook business news feed…
Select your business page by clicking the downward arrow at the top of the page in the right hand corner:
Once on your business page, look at the right hand column. There is a button that says ‘See Pages Feed’. Click this and you have your Business page’s feed back!
This enables you to keep up to date with business pages that you have liked in the name of your business (not as your personal profile).
More free marketing advice:
For more handy tips on social media updates, please see our blog and browse our blog categories. If you don’t want to miss future blog posts about marketing and social media, please sign up to our email newsletter (see right hand column). You can also follow us on social media – Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ YouTube Instagram Snapchat.
Hello just saw this…its a bit old but can you go one step further now..? The option to “see pages feed” has COMPLETELY disappeared on my page as of a week ago. Where did it go? I’ve written fb the usual many times and no response.
Any clues on that one? Thanks very much!
Hello Amber, We aren’t too sure why yours has completely disappeared. We just checked ours and it’s still in the same place! Hopefully, Facebook will get back to you soon and resolve the mystery!
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Thank you very much for help. It works for me.
Great to hear that – wonderful! Merry Christmas!
I am in the same situation. I have lost Pages feed in my personal profile and in all my ‘business’ pages. Please help!
Hi Allamarie, we aren’t sure why it isn’t showing for you. Please can you send a screenshot to info@pearcemarketing and we will see what we can do! Thanks
Hi there
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Mine is gone too on multiple browsers. Been looking online for where it might have gone. Not finding anything about the change and where to see my page’s feed.
Hi Teresa, we aren’t sure why it isn’t showing for you. Please can you send a screenshot to info@pearcemarketing and we will see what we can do! Thanks
HI Teresa
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Fantastic! You turned this day around. Very much appreciate it! I’ve bookmarked this page!
Fantastic! Great to hear that we helped you.
yes, mine are still missing too! have you had any luck? fb non responsive to me!
Hello Vashti, we have noticed on one of the pages we help run that we now have to click on ‘posts’ on the left-hand side of the menu to see the full page feed. We find when we are on the ‘home’ page for the business, Facebook is selecting what is seen. Please, could you send a screen-shot to info@pearcemarketing.co.uk and we can investigate for you – thanks!
Hi Vashti
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
All my page feeds have gone away as well. I think FB continually is jacking us and I really hope there is new ownership. Zuck and Sandberg need to go away for good.
Hello Robert, we have noticed on one of the pages we help run that we now have to click on ‘posts’ on the left-hand side of the menu to see the full page feed. We find when we are on the ‘home’ page for the business, Facebook is selecting what is seen. Please, could you send a screen-shot to info@pearcemarketing.co.uk and we can investigate for you – thanks!
HI Robert
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Did anyone ever figure this out? I have lost my business pages feed on all 3 of my pages!
Hello Kristy, we have noticed on one of the pages we help run that we now have to click on ‘posts’ on the left-hand side of the menu to see the full page feed. We find when we are on the ‘home’ page for the business, Facebook is selecting what is seen. Please, could you send a screen-shot to info@pearcemarketing.co.uk and we can investigate for you – thanks!
Hi, I’m having the same issue too and am unsure how to resolve it. Going to ‘posts’ on the left-hand side only shows my business posts, not the news feed for the pages my business likes and follows. Would love a solution if anyone has figured it out.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog.
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – it will be back on the Page when the system feels is relevant for a specific Page to have it’ , ‘we do not control this or have any way to activate this’ and ‘but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ ….
Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
Hi there
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Hi Kristy
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Same here, on 4 different pages. Completely missing from home menu and posts menu and not sure where else to possibly find it. All ears if anyone else has had any luck.
Hi there
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments section is working! Thank you very much Doug.
Simply type https://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So, for example, we would type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
That worked for a while but now it doesn’t anymore. Any ideas? Thanks!
Hi Steph, We just checked it again this morning and it is working for us!
My pages feed has disappeared from my business page, and when I click on ‘posts’ on the left-hand side of the menu it shows me only my own posts. Since mine is a journalistic aggregator site, this deprives me of a vast resource.
Hi there
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments section is working! Thank you very much Doug.
Simply type https://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So, for example, we would type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
My Business Pages Feed disappeared this week too. I’d love to find a way to access it again. You can find a screenshot of my page here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4b1m4ptuzu6rjqe/screencapture-facebook-MelbourneMeditationCentre-2018-12-17-13_38_01.pdf?dl=0
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments section is working! Thank you very much Doug.
Simply type https://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So, for example, we would type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Just found a solution.
1. Login and navigate to your Facebook Business page.
2. Copy and paste the following URL into your browser: https://www.facebook.com/?sk=pp
Thanks for your comment…
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
I’ve just noticed on my business page that the See Pages Feed link has disappeared. After trying to find it from different links, and searching the web for answers, I found this news – https://www.hamiltrowebsitedesign.com/facebooks-2018-pages-feed-change/
I must say, I’m quite disappointed. Over and over we’re reminded of how people who make these products don’t really know how their clients use them. But we’re t their mercy because we’re trying to reach as many people around the world as we can.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
What I can suggest right now, and I hope this works for everyone, is to bookmark your Page’s feed link, which should be https://www.facebook.com/yourbusinesspage/pages_feed/
That’s how I’m getting to the page’s feed at the moment.
Thanks so much – very helpful! Great workaround.
I’m having the same problem. Your solution to click on “posts” doesn’t help. It just shows you your own posts.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Is anyone any clearer on this? Disappeared for me, even when viewing under the ‘posts’ section!
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Hi Kristy, like many others, we’ve suddenly lost access to the page feed on all the pages we manage! It’s simply no longer there on the right hand side when on the Home page, nor does it appear when on the Posts page. Why does Facebook do this? Any clues as to where to find it? Many thanks.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Having the same problem. Everything was fine until today and now there no Page Feeds on any of the business pages we manage, whether on the Home page or Posts page. Help!
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
I’ve noticed the same thing of no longer being able to see the feed of the pages my page follows – which is frustrating because I want to engage with my partners. This was there a few days ago, I use this at least twice a week.
When I click on “posts” as you suggested I see of the posts I posted on MY page, but not feed of the pages my page FOLLOWS. The button “See pages feed” seems to have disappeared.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
I cant see my business pages feed either the option has gone completely! Any help please?
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
My “See Pages Feed” button disappeared this morning. I already tried checking under posts but I don’t see anything there either.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
This might be helpful to everyone missing their “see pages feed” button. I still don’t know where the button went, but you can access your pages feed by adding “/pages_feed” to the end of your url. It pops right up.
Great – thanks so much – you are right! Great workaround.
The Dec. 14 solution to “Click on Posts” ONLY works to see your OWN page’s posts – NOT the posts of the pages you follow. That USED to be on the righthand side. Now, with no explanation, Facebook has removed it/moved it. Of course, they’re totally unresponsive to a request for help.
Someone really needs to get the message through to them that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
VERY frustrating.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Checking in to see if anyone has found their pages feed yet? This is so frustrating and so far, yours is the only blog that I’ve found even talking about the disappearing link.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Me too, all four pages I admin. What’s missing is the “See Pages Feed” link which was on the right-hand side menu and showed all posts from pages that your own page (ie business, or community etc) has Liked.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Just found this….
A workaround that works. Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/ and the missing newsfeed will appear. Just to be clear to everyone reading this, this is what I would type to find Social Media is Simple’s newsfeed – http://www.facebook.com/socialmediaissimple/pages_feed/ This link won’t work for you as obviously you have to be an Administrator for your Page to see the News Feed.
Thank you so much – that is brilliant….
Works for us.
So is there no other way to reach this other than via this URL? You know more than the Facebook help chat one business was using!
AMAZING – that is great – thank you so much for sharing this information for everyone.
This tip no longer works. I have lost that link on all the pages I manage. I have tried clicking on “Posts”, but I see nothing that indicates where I go from there to access the Page Feed; all I see is our posts and visitor posts. That’s it.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog.
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – it will be back on the Page when the system feels is relevant for a specific Page to have it’ , ‘we do not control this or have any way to activate this’ and ‘but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ ….
Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog.
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – it will be back on the Page when the system feels is relevant for a specific Page to have it’ , ‘we do not control this or have any way to activate this’ and ‘but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ ….
Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
Thanks so much Doug! Excellent!
Help!! same thing, has anyone been able to find a way around/fix?
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog.
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – it will be back on the Page when the system feels is relevant for a specific Page to have it’ , ‘we do not control this or have any way to activate this’ and ‘but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ ….
Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
Many businesses are struggling to find their Facebook business news feed (ie the posts from Pages that you’ve liked as your Page). The information below was correct at time of publishing, as well as in early/mid December 2018.
However, it seems that the link to see the pages feed (that was in the right hand column) has disappeared for all pages we own/administer (as well as for those people commenting on this blog).
We have seen responses from Facebook (to a fellow business owner in Dec 2018) saying ‘this is a dynamic feature – but according to our information this is being gradually rolled out so it should be just a matter of time until this is always visible on all Pages’ …. Very confusing and not terribly helpful! All we can do now is hope it is clarified quickly by Facebook.
A workaround suggested by Doug in this blog’s comments is working! Thank you…
Simply type http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/
So we type in https://www.facebook.com/PearceMarketing/pages_feed/
Good luck!
Thank you for the work around! Very helpful!
Hi Cori, That’s great – we were happy to help!
Do you know if there’s a sort option? The feed seems to be a bit random.
Hi Andy, no there doesn’t seem to be from what we can see – sorry!
OH MY GOSH THANK YOU! I have been searching for answers for 2 weeks on why my “See Pages Feed” link went missing on the right hand side. Thanks Doug for the solution! I have to share what our clients are posting on our FB pg and this was screwing up a LOT of things at work.
Hi Christa, glad this blog could be of help! We are very grateful for Doug’s help!
http://www.facebook.com/yourpagename/pages_feed/ worked for me. Thank you so much!
Hi Laurie, that’s great! Glad we could help!
The workaround worked for me. Thank you for sharing it.
Hi Dianne – so happy that we could help!
Workaround was great. That was a lifesaver. I don’t have time to generate original content right now but didn’t want my Facebook page to be silent. Now I can get back to my relevant content that can be re-shared. Thank you!
Hi Lynn – so happy we could help!
Shared. This has been annoying me for weeks now. My “See Pages Feed” link has completed disappeared. Very helpful post!
Hi Eric – That’s great news that our blog has helped!
Thank you for sharing the workaround – and I’ve signed up to your newsletter too!
Hello Jacqueline, thank you for your kind words and for staying in touch!