What is the difference between ‘Connect’ and ‘Follow’ on LinkedIn?
Date: 28 April 2020
We were recently asked what the difference is between ‘Connect’ and ‘Follow’ on LinkedIn. Plus how to change these settings. So here’s a really quick blog about it!
Whether you see ‘Connect’ or ‘Follow’ on an individual’s profile will depend on what that person has chosen as their primary method of ‘connecting’ with people.
So this does not mean you are not showing a ‘connect’ or ‘follow’ option at all, it just means that it is a secondary option that will show when people click to see more menu options at the top of your profile.
The difference
There is a slight difference between these terms…
- Follow – this is where people can follow you, but you don’t have to see their content in your news feed. So if people follow you they see your content, but you don’t see theirs.
- Connect – if you’re connected you both automatically see each others’ content in your own news feed
Where to find this setting in LinkedIn
- At the top of your screen in the black bar, click on the downward arrow under your picture
- Then click on ‘Settings & Privacy’
- In the menu on the left hand side, click on ‘Blocking and hiding’
- Click on ‘change’ and then at the bottom, you can enable ‘Follow’ as your primary action when members view your profile. Remember, this does not mean you are not showing a ‘connect’ option, it just means that it is a secondary option that will show when people click to see more menu options on your profile. See second screenshot below.
If you have any questions about LinkedIn or other social media platforms, please just ask us – we’re happy to help. Email us on info@pearcemarketing.co.uk or drop us a message on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn.
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